Using the Sleepyhead® pod, you can safely put your baby down for lounging, supervised napping and tummy time, bed-sharing, changing diapers, cuddling and playing. Always make sure, though, that it is placed on a stable, firm surface.

Make sure not to place the Sleepyhead somewhere from which the baby risks hurting himself should he manage to climb out. An awake baby should be monitored at all times.


Sleepyhead recognizes that many people believe strongly that infants and young children should never sleep with adults in their bed, while others believe that such bed-sharing provides benefits. Many who choose to bed-share with a Sleepyhead pod find that the sides help establish a separate space for the baby that is close by to the parent(s).

If you choose to use a pod while co-sleeping, in addition to consulting with your pediatrician, be sure to follow these seven precautions:

1. You must not share a bed with your baby if you are a smoker, have been drinking alcohol, are obese, have sleep disorders, if you take medication or drugs that make you drowsy, or if you feel exhausted.

2. Carefully prepare the bed:

  • Place the pod on a firm mattress only. Be sure it lays flat and remains flat with adult(s) in the bed.
  • Position pod in center of bed, near headboard. Each side of the pod should be at least 12 inches from edge of bed.
  • Make sure there are no extra pillows on the bed that can go over the baby while in the pod. Pillows and covers present a suffocation risk to your baby. Each parent should use only the pillow under their heads.
  • Make sure there are no covers (including blankets, sheets, pillowcases, shams, comforters, and other bedding) over the pod. Covers placed over the pod can end up over the baby’s face. Covers can also cause overheating which is associated with increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Parents should use separate covers to reduce risk of blankets being pulled up over the baby.

3. To reduce risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, only place baby on back in the pod.

4. Do not add any blankets or padding of any kind under baby in the pod.

5. Keep all cords and strings away from baby. Cords of any kind, such as window or blind cords, present a strangulation risk.

6. Never leave baby alone in adult bed. If baby awakens and you aren’t present, s/he may scoot and fall off bed.

7. Never use components of pod separately. Only use when fully assembled and zipped. Loose fabric and parts may present a suffocation hazard. 


Tummy time must always be supervised. Place the baby in the Sleepyhead® pod with the rounded side under the baby’s chest and armpits with his/her arms in front of it. This position also allows for play! Prop a mirror or a board book open in front of your baby, or place a favourite toy within reach. Babies tend to grasp at any interesting objects, in turn encouraging weight shifting, reaching and fine motor development.

A baby on his tummy must be watched at all times. If your baby falls asleep during tummy time, do not leave him unattended on his tummy. Place the baby on its back to continue sleeping. Once a child is one-year old, and also capable of rolling from their back to their stomach, and also from their stomach to their back, the child can be allowed to sleep on their side or tummy if that is their preference. However, to reduce the risk of SIDS, you should only place the baby on his/her back in the pod for every sleep until your baby reaches 1 year of age.


When bringing the Sleepyhead® pod with you on trips, or simply when visiting family or friends, you do not have to worry about the condition of the cots and mattresses provided by the hotel.


It is not safe to carry your child in the Sleepyhead® pod, or to pick up the pod while your child is in the pod. While pods themselves are very portable, you must remove your child before transporting the pod, even for short distances.